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- What the industry has to say.

Pro Team Computer Corp (Azza Mainboards)

"Target PC has given us much valuable tips on how to improve our products. It has been an essential source of information from which we can chart our market positioning and identify the market need. We manage to obtain some useful sales lead through the publicity we have gotten from the site as well.

One phrase summarizes our feeling towards the site. Target PC, thank you very very much!"

Andrew Ting- Public Relations
Pro Team Corp,

VideoLogic Systems

"Target PC has not only impressed us with its clear, well written content, but also with the quality of sales enquiries following its editorials on our products. I can happily recommend Target PC for its broad coverage of news and analysis of new technology product."

David Harold - PR Manager
Imagination Technologies' divisions include: PowerVR Technologies, Ensigma Technologies, VideoLogic Systems

Azzo Computers

"TargetPC has been quite the successful combination. Their in depth reviews hit the nail on the head and inform the consumers in a clear and concise manner. This in return helps companies like AZZO sell it's products to informerd consumers who feel they can trust the invaluable information provided by TargetPC. Keep up the great work!"

Larry Brookshire - Executive Vice President
AZZO Computers

Acer Corporation

"Acer America Corporation has worked with a number of publications and e-zines over the years. Target PC Publishing Ltd. gives its readers an in-depth, first-rate look at cutting-edge technology. We have further found the editorial staff at Target PC Publishing Ltd., to be professional,technically accurate and extremely personable."

Bruce Brough - Director of Public Relations
Acer America

Microtech International, Inc.

"Our appreciation goes out to Target PC. Target PC strives to provide the latest technology, news and reviews to the everyday computer user. Their extensive knowledge of the newest technology allows for excellent product reviews that you can be sure to trust."

Kimberly Blackledge - Public Relations and Marketing Coordinator
Microtech International, Inc.

Enhanced Memory Systems, Inc.

"I really like to look and feel of Target PC website and their hardware reviews. We appreciate the great review comparing Enhanced Memory System HSDRAM and Mushkin DIMM modules. Now that Mushkin and Enhanced Memory Systems have combined forces, we will provide both the broadest selection and highest performance memory products on the web. We hope to keep working with Target PC."

David Bondurant, VP of Marketing
Enhanced Memory Systems, Inc.

Visioneer Inc.

"It has been a pleasure to work with the editors at Target PC. They consistently publish in-depth, timely reviews of new hardware products and we have been eager for them to review our products. They provide honest assessments of a product's strengths and weaknesses in a no nonsense format that readers appreciate and can trust."

Danielle Tatman Cook, Sr. Consultant
For Visioneer, Inc.

