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The main design of the Sirocco PRO amplifier is very similar to the one used in the Sirocco Crossfire solution, this of course talking about the size and shape of the unit. On the front, you find four knobs. The first is the volume; it of course sets the master volume. Second is the Sub knob, this increases and decreases the subwoofer’s volume to adjust for personal preference or room acoustics. Third is Tilt, this operates the dual shelving filter for setting the tone. The fourth and last is the Source Knob, similar to the crossfire amplifier, this lets you select the audio source, whether analog (sources 1 and 2) or Digital (DAC). Continuing with the front, you find a 6.5mm headphone jack. Next to the headphone jack, we notice a little button labeled as monitor. This disables the subwoofer and operates the satellites at full range, for monitoring stereo separation through the satellites only.

Amplifier Front

The back of the amplifier features all the inputs and output ports. Starting from the top left, we notice the on/off switch. This as you might have already guessed, is used to turn the amplifier on and off. Continuing to the right, we see three little colored lights labeled as: POWER-RED, EMPHASIS-YELLOW and LOCK-GREEN. These show the current operational status of the DAC. Emphasis indicates that the signal has pre-emphasis at source; LOCK indicates valid input data. Continuing in the same direction, we see the S/P DIF inputs. First is the Toslink optical DAC input and the RCA Coaxial DAC input. A switch is present in the middle of them that lets you choose which you want to use. Continuing to the right, we notice two coaxial ports. This is the DAC output; it allows standalone DAC operation. This is a buffered analog output providing 2.2V at 0 dBFS. Starting again from the left but this time from the lower side, we notice the three XLR speaker outputs. Continuing going to the right, we see the analog inputs. Inputs 1 and 2 connect to analog sources.

Amplifier back

The amplifier it self is capable of 100W rms. and features a 24-bit 96KHz DAC with two digital inputs and two analog inputs. It uses three-way fully active filtering to deliver the crispiest and most precise sound output. The amplifier operates on a torodial transformer with a massive 40, 000 uF of smoothing capacitance to ensure a high performance output at all times. Like the crossfire amplifier, the Sirocco’s PRO set also features Self Peak Instantaneous Temperature (°Ke) (SPiKe™) Protection Circuitry for protection against overvoltage, undervoltage, overloads, including shorts to the supplies, thermal runaway, and instantaneous temperature peaks.


The Sirocco is without doubts a solid contender in the high-end audio market. Music enthusiasts will highly appreciate the features this system has to offer for its competitive price. Sadly, not all-home users could easily afford a set. Selling for around $950USD, this system will unfortunately be limited for the ones looking for top-notch sound without worrying about price tags. To put a final quote on this Article, I would like to congratulate Videologic for another job well done.

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