accomodations for three 5.25" components and a mind numbing seven 3.5"
components you'll be hard pressed to outgrow the Cyclone quickly. By taking
a great case and then outfitting a very nice fan arrangement A-Pro has gone
a long way to ensuring that you'll have a very reliable setup. Throw that
all in for the $139 pricetag and A-Pro earns congratulations from us.
Of course no product is perfect.
I like the newer motherboard mounts that are popped in from behind the motherboard.
I can move those should I have put a mount in a wrong spot quite easily.
Better yet, some manufacturers are straying a little from the standard layouts
in order to get themselves a better layout for their motherboard. It would
be nice to be able to pop another mount from behind to make sure that the
motherboard is fully supported.
A-Pro has done about the best
job they could with the excellent construction of this unit. The metal frame
is very thick and fully deburred. I have to mention that since I still find
myself getting cut from time to time on some cases. Yes, the design of the
front bezel isn't going to win any style awards but at least they've added
some versatility with the built in 3.5" bay bezel. Simply unscrew it
from the front bezel and you have a choice of two different looks for your
3.5" bay area. I'd say that having to install a plastic part on either
side of 5.25" component makes for a rather unusual design. While the
pop-out 5.25" covers that stretch fully across the front bezel are
very eye pleasing having all those extra joints when you utilize the 5.25"
bays isn't. That's a very small quibble but I have become something of a
fanatic when it comes to case designs.
verdict? You'll notice that I gave the A-Pro case a higher score than the
Hansan Systems Audi. There is just no replacing good fans and the more the
merrier. Throw in the great capacity of this case and it deserves a higher
score. If you don't need the higher capacity of the great cooling from the
factory that this unit is equipped with then perhaps the Audi would be a
better choice. Considering that A-Pro is an authorized reseller of the Audi
case you certainly can't go wrong with either choice.
Oshiro 14 February, 2001